General Information:
Classroom, Hallway, and Locker Procedures:
When students enter the building they are to go directly to their classroom. Teachers will dismiss students to go to lockers to put away their belongings.
Every classroom must have a seating chart that will follow them throughout the day to specials and lunch.
Hallway line-up must be in the same order to and from special, lunch, recess, snack break, etc.
Use the blue lines when the red arrows are not present. Follow arrow directions and right of way rules. Arms out in front to measure for the appropriate spacing.
Classroom Teacher Movement:
Classroom teachers will move classrooms during the transition time between subject matter. Classroom teachers will take students to/from special classes each day. Classroom teachers will take students to/from lunch each day. Classroom teachers will take students to/from recess each day. Classroom teachers will take students out for mask/snack breaks each day, weather providing.
Seating Charts:
A seating chart with assigned seats will be utilized in all classes including special classes and lunchroom. The seating chart should be the same in all classes so that the same students are seated near each other in all classes. This would help with any needed contact tracing.
Welcome Table (late arrivals):
Students will enter through door one when arriving late. They will remain outside forming one line while social distancing. They will enter one at a time through Door 1.
They will be checked in by a Riley Staff Member.
Student Item Drop Off:
Parents may drop off important items that a student may have left at home:
Lunch, medicine, etc…..
Parents will enter through door one. We are asking that parents please leave the item on the table in our secure vestibule. Please put your students’ name and teacher on a sticky note. Riley Staff will deliver the item to your student.
Unimportant items are forgotten homework, gym shoes, etc. Please plan ahead.
Water Bottles:
Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle from home. The filling station will be available (we have a filling station in the cafeteria), however, the drinking fountains throughout the building are not in use at this time. They are covered up so students are reminded that they are not to be used. Students may also bring disposable water bottles to school and throw them away at the end of the day.
Wellness Room:
Teachers will send a student to the office if they are not feeling well. The office will call home to report symptoms to parents. The child will be sent to the Wellness Room, under adult supervision, to wait until the parent/guardian arrives.
Bathroom Procedures
Classroom teachers and specials will remain in control of student procedures to obtain permission to use the restroom. Only 1 boy and 1 girl from each class will be allowed to utilize the restroom at any time.
Below are the steps students must follow:
Follow classroom procedures
Use hand sanitizer
Grab appropriate magnet
Go to the assigned bathroom only
Place magnet in an open square on the grid
If all squares are full…
Stand on the designated spot and wait for an opening
Maximum 1 person waiting
Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds or more after using the bathroom
Grab appropriate magnet
Return to class
Return magnet to the classroom door
Use hand sanitizer, if needed
Student arrival and dismissal procedures: Be sure to look at the Riley Park
Bussed Students See attached visual
Bussed students will be dropped off and picked up on the bus loop in front of the school
Busses will dismiss students one bus at a time for them to enter the building in an orderly and socially distanced manner
Students in Daily, Hunter, Ramsey, Pinta will enter/exit through Door 3 (See Purple Line)
Students in Tanderys, Ralph, Elliston, Chiodo, Ronayne, and Abel will enter/exit through Door 28 (See Green Line)
Students in Vlcko, Witherspoon, Fairbrother, Considine, Sharp, Zimmer, Johnson, Bradley, McDonald, Butler, and Lovett will enter/exit through Door 26 (See Blue Line)
Car Riders and Walkers
6th-grade students who are car riders will be dropped off/picked up in the staff parking lot in the back of the building. See attached visual
Cars entering this parking lot MUST enter from Merriman onto Rayburn, then will turn right into the driveway, take the loop to drop their children off, stay in line, and then turn left out of the parking lot back onto Rayburn
No Right turn will be allowed from the parking lot onto Rayburn
Students will enter/exit Door 23 or 24 if they are in Pinta, Ramsey, Daily, Hunter, Chiodo or Ronayne (See Purple Line)
Students will enter/exit through Door 25 if they are in Abel, Vlcko, Witherspoon, or Considine (See Blue Line)
5th-grade students who are car riders will be dropped off/picked up in the Door 7 parking lot. See attached visual
Cars entering this parking lot must enter from 5 mile onto Henry Ruff Road, then will turn left into the driveway, take the loop/lane to drop their children off, stay in line, then turn right out of the parking lot back onto Henry Ruff toward 5 mile
No Left turn will be allowed from the parking lot onto Henry Ruff
If parents have 5th AND 6th-grade students to drop off, they will use the Door 7 parking lot
If students walk to school, they will enter/exit the building using Door 7.
Watch this. It is a great visual for you. Riley Parking Lot Map
Lunchroom and Recess Procedures :
All 5th and 6th Grade Students will be eating lunch in the cafeteria. They will be socially distanced with 5 students to a table. Again, students will be assigned seats and sit with their classroom cohort. We will have a peanut/tree nut restricted table just as we have had in the past.
Hot lunch will be served but there will be no salad snack bar.
This year students will have a 15-minute recess. It will not be connected to their lunch hour and it will be under teacher supervision. Students will be provided sporting equipment to use on the playground per classroom.